Testimonial By Alessia

Alessia Italian Psychology Student

How and why did you first make contact with Web English ?
I am Italian student and needed to improve my English speaking and writing skills in order to pass the IELTS exam with an overall score of at least 6.5. This was required for studying Psychology at a university in the UK.

What were you expecting from Web English ? What did your job/work need you to develop?
I needed to improve my speaking skills in order to be much more fluent. Moreover, I wanted to get better with my writing skills. My teacher helped me to improve my speaking while talking to me informally and making me feel more comfortable and at ease. Moreover, they made me write essays about topics I was interested in, which helped me, and they corrected my structures and grammar mistakes. Their corrections were always useful and pushed me to improve myself instead of putting me down. They were always acknowledging my improvements which was a really good way to motivate me.

What was the most unexpected learning or benefit of choosing Web English ?
I think it was the experience of improving my English in an informal and interesting way, without seeing it as a pressure but enjoying the lessons because they were actually topics that I was interested in. In addition, the teachers gave me great tips on how to remember grammar rules (for example using post-its around the house as a visual cue)

Why would you recommend Web English to other people ?
Learning this way is enjoyable and builds your confidence